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Iconic Las Vegas sign showing signs of wear and tear

Iconic Las Vegas sign showing signs of wear and tear


If a picture is worth a thousand words, the nation’s libraries would be hard-pressed to find space for the words of all the millions of photos snapped at the iconic Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas sign.

Just marrieds. Snap.

Sorority sisters. Snap

Visiting dignitaries. Snap.

Retirees on a rendezvous. Snap.

The diamond-shaped sign at the south end of Las Vegas Boulevard is a popular photo op, to say the least.

But at a recent event, posing for a photo, Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak noticed the sign’s fabulousness fading. There was a crack and chipped paint. So at Tuesday’s Clark County Commission meeting he decided to have a chat with his colleagues about the sign’s upkeep.

“As important as this sign is, I think it’s incumbent upon us to do our due diligence and take care of it,” Sisolak said. “We have millions of pictures taken at this sign each year.”

Why the County Commission is concerned and not the Las Vegas City Council stems from a little-known jurisdictional fact.

Although people like to say the camera doesn’t lie, the sign in all those photos isn’t exactly telling the truth. Posing tourists aren’t technically standing in Las Vegas. A more accurate sign might welcome them to unincorporated Clark County.





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